Borders College Technology Enhanced Care Hub (BTECH)
Scottish Borders Council, SBCares, Borders College and NHS Borders have come together to support the delivery of the integrated health and social care partnership by creating the Borders Care Career Academy which provides a range of flexible training opportunities.
BTECH allows individuals across the Borders to learn while they earn, develop a range of skills and offer progression onto their chosen career pathways.
The focus is to develop learning and skills opportunities in the workplace, on demand and provide portable access to learning using digital technologies.
Health and Social Care integration is underpinned by legislation to have a Health and Social Care partnership for every NHS Board in Scotland.
In June 2017 the Scottish Government published the National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan, which strengthens workforce planning practice nationally, regionally and locally.
Find out more by contacting our Student Advice Centre:
- Telephone 01896 662516
- or email