Policy & Procedural Documents

Description for Policy & Procedural Documents document category.

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Academic Exemptions Policy and Procedure

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum assessment), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, lecturing staff, learning support staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality & Curriculum

Published: 23 Mar 2023

Review: 13 Nov 2025


Admissions Policy

To be read by all Curriculum staff, MIS and eLearning staff, Finance and Student Funding staff, and Student Services staff.

Head of MIS

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 16 Nov 2022


Admissions Procedure

To be read by all Curriculum staff, MIS and eLearning staff, Finance and Student Funding staff, and Student Services staff.

Head of MIS

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 16 Dec 2021


Alcohol and Drugs Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 03 May 2022

Review: 13 Mar 2025


Anti-Bribery Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal – Finance & Corporate Services

Published: 28 Jun 2023

Review: 14 May 2026


Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal – Finance and Resources

Published: 28 Jun 2023

Review: 14 Jan 2026


Appropriate Usage of Electronic Systems Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 14 Feb 2024

Review: 12 Nov 2026


Approval Procedure

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and Equalities staff, MIS staff, lecturing staff, assessors and verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 14 Nov 2024


Assessment Arrangements Policy

All staff involved in teaching or providing front-line learning or pastoral support to students should read and be aware of this document.

Director of Student Support Services

Published: 12 Jun 2024

Review: 18 Sep 2025


Assessment Arrangements Procedure

All staff involved in teaching or providing front-line learning or pastoral support to students should read and be aware of this document.

Director of Student Support Services

Published: 08 Feb 2024

Review: 18 Sep 2025


Assessment Policy

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum delivery and assessment processes), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and Equalities staff, lecturing staff, learning support staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 20 Mar 2024


Assessment Procedure

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and Equalities staff, lecturing staff, learning support staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 13 Mar 2024


Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 18 Feb 2022

Review: 16 Oct 2024


Complaints Handling Procedure

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality & Curriculum

Published: 07 Mar 2024

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Complaints Policy

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 17 Jan 2024

Review: 13 Nov 2026


Contractors Policy and Procedure

Estates/ Facilities, IT/Digital and reception staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Review: 17 Oct 2024


Copyright Policy

All lecturing staff, learning support staff, staff involved in writing College documents, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 26 Aug 2022

Review: 16 Oct 2024


Core and Future Skills Policy

All staff should read this policy and be aware of its contents.

Vice Principal, Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 12 May 2022


Core Skills Procedure

All curriculum staff should be aware of this policy.

Vice Principal, Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 11 May 2022


Curricular Development Policy and Procedure

All curriculum staff should read this policy.

Vice Principal – Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021


Data Protection Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

VP Finance and Corporate Services

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 18 Dec 2024


Disclosure Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 12 Nov 2026


Display Screen Equipment Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Review: 17 Oct 2024


Donations, Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship Procedure

Vice Principal – Finance and Corporate Services

Published: 07 Nov 2023

Review: 07 Jul 2025


Driving at Work Policy and Procedure

All staff who may drive a College vehicle should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Review: 14 Aug 2025


Educational Excursions Policy and Procedure

All staff involved in organising student external excursions (including overnight stay) should read this to ensure the safety of our students.

Vice Principal – Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 17 Aug 2022


Employee Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 02 Mar 2023

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Employee Resourcing Policy and Procedure

All recruiting managers and individuals applying for jobs in the college should read and be aware of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 02 Mar 2023

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Published: 19 Aug 2023

Review: 15 May 2025


Family/Special Leave Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 03 May 2022

Review: 13 Mar 2025


Fee Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal – Finance and Corporate Services

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Firearms Procedure

Game keeping staff, AP Curriculum & Quality and HOS/PL Rural Skills should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Review: 18 Sep 2025


Flexible Working Hours/TOIL Arrangements

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 12 May 2027


Flood Alert Procedure

The Facilities/Estates Team should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 13 Apr 2023

Review: 15 May 2025


Freedom of Information Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal: Finance & Corporate Services

Published: 02 Sep 2022

Review: 16 Aug 2023


Gender Based Violence Prevention and Support Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 03 May 2022

Review: 13 Mar 2025


Grievance Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 18 Feb 2022

Review: 16 Oct 2024


Health & Safety Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health & Safety Manager

Published: 28 Feb 2024

Review: 20 Feb 2025


Health & Safety Procedures

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 13 Apr 2023

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Homeworking Policy

All staff who work from home should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 26 Aug 2022

Review: 15 Oct 2025


Information Security Policy

Applies to all stakeholders in the organisation who use our digital services and infrastructure.

Director of IT & Digital

Published: 05 Oct 2023

Review: 18 Sep 2025


Internal and External Verification Policy

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum delivery and assessment processes), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality staff, lecturing staff, learning support staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality

Published: 08 Feb 2024

Review: 18 Sep 2025


Internal and External Verification Procedure

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum delivery and assessment processes), curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality staff, lecturing staff, learning support staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality

Published: 04 Oct 2023

Review: 17 Sep 2026


Learning Resources Policy

Campus Library Manager

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 18 Jun 2020


Lone Working Policy and Procedure

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 16 Apr 2025


Malpractice Policy

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, staff who have a role in the delivery and support of assessments, including recording of assessment outcomes, lecturing staff, learning support staff, staff involved with the quality assurance process, MIS staff, assessors and internal verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality

Published: 15 Feb 2024

Review: 14 Aug 2025


Manual Handling Policy

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 04 Aug 2021

Review: 17 Aug 2022


National Menopause Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Published: 09 Mar 2023


Performance Improvement/Capability Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 02 Mar 2023

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Personal Protective Equipment Procedure

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 17 Apr 2025


Policy Management Procedure

All staff who have a responsibility to write/act as authors of College policies or procedures should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality and Development

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 16 Oct 2024


Positive Behaviour, Anti-bullying & Harassment Policy

Staff, Students, Employers, Education Department should read this policy and procedural notes.

Vice Principal – Student Experience

Published: 19 Jul 2023

Review: 19 Jul 2024


Procurement Policy

All staff involved in purchasing on behalf of the College should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal – Finance and Corporate Services

Published: 31 Aug 2021

Review: 19 Jun 2024


Professional Conduct Between Staff and Students Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 19 Sep 2023

Review: 18 Jan 2024


Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy

All Recruiting Leaders should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 02 Mar 2023

Review: 15 Jan 2026


Redundancy Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 12 May 2027


Respect at Work and Study Policy Statement

All staff, students and visitors to our campuses should read this policy.

Vice Principal Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 14 Dec 2023


Risk Management Framework

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal – Finance & Corporate Services

Published: 23 Apr 2024

Review: 14 Jul 2027


Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk of Harm Policy

All staff should read this to ensure they’re familiar with our statutory safeguarding procedures.

Vice Principal

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 15 Nov 2023


SCQF Credit Rating - Procedures for Creating and Validating Awards

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and MIS staff, lecturing staff, assessors and verifiers (when involved in rating processes) should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal: Quality & Development

Published: 23 Mar 2023

Review: 16 Oct 2025


Secondment Policy and Procedure

Any staff member considering a secondment should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 17 Oct 2024


Sickness Absence Management Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 14 Feb 2024

Review: 18 Nov 2026


Smoke-Free Policy

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 23 May 2022

Review: 17 Apr 2025


Social Media Policy and Guidelines

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 14 Feb 2024

Review: 17 Nov 2026


Staff Cover Procedure

All Leaders responsible for covering absent staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 18 Feb 2022

Review: 15 Jan 2025


Staff Performance and Development Review Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 14 Oct 2021


Staff Severance Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 12 May 2027


Stress at Work Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 12 May 2027


Student Enrolment and Induction Procedure

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the curriculum and student experience), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and Equalities staff, MIS staff, Course tutors, lecturing staff, learning support staff, Achievement coaches, assessors and Students’ Association team should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal

Published: 10 Jul 2024

Review: 14 May 2025


Student Feedback Procedure

All staff and our Students' Association elected members should read this procedure and be aware of how we gather and plan as a result of student feedback.

Vice Principal: Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 13 Aug 2020


Student Guidance Policy

All staff involved in providing support to our students, and of course our current and future students, should read this policy.

Vice Principal Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 16 Jun 2022


Student Guidance Procedure

All staff involved in providing support to our students, and of course our current and future students, should read this policy.

Vice Principal, Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 18 May 2022


Support for Staff Involved in an Investigation Policy (including Complaint, Discipline, Grievance etc)

Any staff member or Leader involved in an investigation should read and  be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 12 May 2027


Supporting Student Carers Policy

All Staff should read and be aware of the college commitment and the support available for our Student Carers.

Student Services Team Lead

Published: 07 Jun 2023

Review: 14 May 2026


Sustainability Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Vice Principal - Finance and Resources

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 17 Aug 2017


Training and Development Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 05 Aug 2021

Review: 20 Nov 2019


Transporting an Injured or Sick Person Procedure

All First Aid Staff and Reception staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 19 Sep 2023

Review: 17 Jul 2025


Validation and Approval Policy

All Senior Leadership Team (VPs, APs and Directors with responsibility for any aspect of the approval of the curriculum), Curricular Heads of Sector and Promoted Lecturers, DEBI Managers, Quality and Equalities staff, MIS staff, lecturing staff, assessors and verifiers should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Assistant Principal Quality & Curriculum

Published: 23 Mar 2023

Review: 14 Nov 2024


Violence and Aggression at Work Procedure

All Staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Health and Safety Manager

Published: 11 Jun 2024

Review: 15 Apr 2025


Volunteers, Policy and Procedures on the Use of

All Recruiting Leaders should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Review: 14 Jan 2026


Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Director of People Services

Published: 14 Feb 2024

Review: 11 Nov 2026


Work Experience Policy

All staff and students involved in work experience placements should read this policy.

Vice Principal, Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 07 Feb 2022

Review: 15 Jun 2022


Work Experience Procedure

All staff and students involved in work experience placements should read this policy.

Vice Principal, Curriculum and Student Services

Published: 07 Feb 2022

Review: 15 Jun 2022


Working Off Site Policy

All staff should read and be aware of the contents of this document.

Head of HR and Development

Published: 03 May 2022

Review: 12 Mar 2025
