Businesses continue to benefit from FREE Retrofit Skills Training

Green Skills Photo

Businesses in the Scottish Borders can continue to benefit from free Green Skills training starting in August, with funding of £530,400 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The FREE courses for local businesses, social landlord employees, and subcontractors have seen a positive uptake since the funding was made available and will continue until at least October 2024.

The refreshed August course offering includes Domestic Retrofit, Renewable Technology, Domestic Ventilation, Sustainable Construction and Ventilation, Electric Vehicle Charging (City & Guilds), Understanding Domestic Retrofit, Unvented Hot Water, Heat Pumps and Water Byelaws.

This initiative directly responds to the need for upskilling, to decarbonise the housing stock within the Scottish Borders.


Dr Greg Steel, Head of Sector for Sustainable Construction at Borders College, said:

"Transformation of our industry requires learning new skills and understanding new technology, and working to promote a circular economy."

Students on previous courses commented:

"One of the main things I've learned in the Water Byelaws course is just how it fits in with Renewables. That's really the first step out of three in the process. I'll be back to do unvented hot water, which leads on to the heat pump course."
William Johnson from WR Thomson Plumbing and Heating.

“It definitely brings efficiency to the forefront when you're thinking about building your own home. You absolutely want it to be as sustainable as possible, so it was nice to see the different materials that everyone was being shown from traditional PIR boards to things like sheep’s wool.”
Lisa Stanners from Shelbourne and Greer.

"I've enjoyed the in-depth training regarding the air source heat pumps: getting into the insides of the air source heat pumps and seeing how the system works."
Bryan Hall from Waverley Housing.

“Due to the rise in cost of energy prices, Renewables are the way forward so I think anything that can be better for our tenants is the way to go. It's a great course.”
Ryan Ormiston from Scottish Borders Housing Association.

Businesses are being encouraged to book their free courses before funding ends by visiting the Borders College website:

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