Pictured above - a guest receives his refreshment from the College's Collaborative Universal Robot.
Borders College Hawick campus recently played host to a ‘Mini COP26’ event, aimed at employers and the practical changes they can make to address climate change in their organisations.
Delivered by the Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation (DEBI), participants got to hear from a number of guest speakers from different organisations.
Director of DEBI Katharine Mathison kicked off the event by welcoming guests expressing how she was delighted to see so many people face to face and how important it was to share ideas, opinions and get involved in the move to net zero.
Katharine introduced the first speaker Richard Cook, who is the Accounts Manager for STEM and Sustainable Construction at Borders College.
Richard, who is helping drive the Hawick building towards net zero, talked in-depth about climate change and sustainability, delivering an inspiring talk to the audience and emphasising how we can all play our part in fighting the climate crisis.