Neve sets the bar high in her business studies

Photograph of Neve Hay standing next to a Scottish Borders Council sign

Scottish Borders Council employee Neve Hay has expressed her delight at recently completing the Business and Administration Level 6 course.

Neve, who is employed by the Social Work Department in Peebles, was described as having an excellent work ethic and a very high standard of work throughout her time at College.


Neve’s Tutor, Jane Slack, said:

“It was clear from the work she submitted, witness testimonies from her Line Manager and observations in the workplace that Neve was a well-thought-of member of staff and an invaluable member of the team. She always attended our meetings with a smile and a good sense of humour and was a pleasure to work alongside. 

“It was wonderful to see Neve’s confidence in herself grow throughout the course. I see a very bright future for Neve and wish her only the best for what lies ahead.”

Commenting on her studies, Neve said:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside my Tutor Jane. She was always very supportive and kind, and we always had a great laugh! 

“I have gained lots of knowledge and confidence during this course and want to thank Jane for all her help and for believing in me. Also, a special mention to my line manager, Nicola, for being a great support and, of course, for believing in me too!”

Neve’s Line Manager Nicola McGinn, who is Admin Team Leader, Resilient Communities-Business Support (Social Work) said:

“Neve has been an incredible addition to the team. She has taken everything in her stride and has really pushed herself to progress and even get ahead in her studies. The wealth of knowledge she has amassed in such a short amount of time is on the same level as some of the team who have been here for nearly 20 years. 

“She is the go-to person in the office when you need to ask for help. I’m very proud of Neve, and I’m delighted that via this opportunity, she has realised her potential and what she truly wants to do in life. She is wonderful and such a fantastic role model to all.”

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