Sign language learners contribute towards an inclusive society

Group of students standing with certificates in their hands.

The Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) course was recently successfully delivered at the College’s Galashiels campus as a Community Evening Class. The session was attended by those wishing to build their confidence and boost their communication skills before undertaking the Level 1 certificated course.

Aimed at beginners with little to no knowledge of sign language, the sessions included learning how to understand finger spelling, introduce yourself and communicate basic information, basic numbers, discussing weather and transport, asking for and giving direction using basic grammar and vocabulary, and working in pairs to give and ask information.


Tutor Helen Veitch commented:

“I have always enjoyed teaching sign language, although it is not easy. It is really hard work and I find it is important to make my class happy.”

Students who attended the course commented:

“We saw the course advertised and enrolled for the 12 weeks. Each week built upon the previous week’s vocabulary. Very structured.”

“Excellent inclusivity. My 14-year-old daughter, who is disabled (ASD, dyslexic, ADHD, significant Language disorder) attended and thrived in an educating setting for the first time. Very grateful for the consideration and adjustments made by our excellent course teacher.”

“It was excellent and gave us all a very good introduction to BSL. The tutor was amazing, and gradually, we began to understand the shape of the language. Remembering words and phrases was not easy! We shall continue to practise using our notes, computer programs and BSL dictionaries but we will miss the fun.”

“As our tutor Helen was profoundly deaf, it helped in that we had to use the BSL for all communication in the class.”

“Because our tutor was profoundly deaf herself, it made us work that bit harder to be able to communicate in class, which was good!”

After a successful delivery, the college is planning another two blocks commencing in August. They will offer 12-week daytime and evening courses.

To register your interest in this provision, please contact the DEBI team at Borders College. Tel: 01450 361030 or mail: 

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